
Essential Skills for Internal Committee (IC) Members: Navigating Workplace Harassment Cases

The role of Internal Committee (IC) members in addressing workplace harassment is pivotal in creating safe and inclusive environments. As custodians of the prevention, prohibition, and redressal framework laid out by the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013 (POSH Act), IC members need a diverse skill set to effectively handle cases. This article delves into the key skills required by IC members to navigate the complexities of workplace harassment cases. 1. Legal Acumen: A fundamental skill for IC members is a sound understanding of the legal framework governing workplace harassment. Familiarity with the POSH Act and related regulations equips IC members to interpret and apply the law accurately during investigations, ensuring that the organization remains compliant. 2. Empathy and Sensitivity: Dealing with workplace harassment cases requires a high degree of empathy and sensitivity. IC members must be attuned to the emotional w

Posh Law - Navigating the Shadows: Addressing Sexual Harassment in the Virtual Workspace

In an increasingly digital world, the way we work has undergone a radical transformation. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift towards remote work, making virtual spaces the new norm for countless professionals. While this transition brought numerous advantages, it has also exposed a darker side—the prevalence of sexual harassment in virtual workspaces.  This article delves into the pressing issue of sexual harassment in the virtual workspace, its forms, consequences, and how organizations and individuals can combat it. The Pervasiveness of Virtual Harassment The virtual workspace offers convenience and flexibility, allowing employees to work from the comfort of their homes. However, it has also given rise to a new avenue for sexual harassment. Sexual harassment in the virtual realm can take various forms: 1. Unwanted Advances: Unsolicited messages, comments, or advances of a sexual nature through email, chat, or video conferencing platforms. 2. Inappropriate Content: Sha

Five common myths related to the Protection of Women from Sexual Harassment (POSH) Act of 2013

Five common myths related to the Protection of Women from Sexual Harassment (POSH) Act of 2013, along with their accurate answers: Myth 1: The POSH Act applies only to women. Answer: The POSH Act is named primarily to emphasize its focus on protecting women from sexual harassment, but it is not limited to women alone. The Act also covers individuals of any gender who may experience sexual harassment in the workplace. Both men and women are protected under the Act, and anyone can file a complaint if they are subjected to sexual harassment. Myth 2: The POSH Act is only applicable to formal office settings. Answer: The POSH Act is not limited to formal office environments. It applies to all workplaces, including offices, factories, shops, educational institutions, NGOs, and any other place where a person may be employed. It also covers employees, interns, and even visitors or third parties who may be subjected to sexual harassment in the workplace. Myth 3: Only physical harassment cons

National Commission of Women and POSH ACT

A statutory organisation called the National Commission of Women ("NCW") was established to examine and develop legal and policy recommendations pertaining to women's rights in India. Its role includes recommending corrective legal action, facilitating the resolution of grievances, and providing policy advice. In addition, the PoSH Act has given the NCW a very particular role, allowing it to file a complaint on behalf of an injured woman with her consent if she is physically unable to do so. Any woman also has the right to report sexual harassment, including at work, to the NCW. To accomplish this, go to the "Register online" menu and select the " Sexual Harassment at Workplace " category. Additionally, any woman has the right to report sexual harassment to the NCW, including at work. This can be done online by choosing the 'SexualHarassment at Workplace' category from the list of available options under the 'Register online complaints'

Posh Trainer in India

What is POSH Training? In 2013, Government of India enacted the  Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace  (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, also called as the POSH Act. The Act holds an organization and the employer responsible for taking measures to prevent incidents of sexual harassment at workplace. The Act also lays down several measures for organizations to be compliant to the Act.  One of them is spreading POSH awareness to all the employees in the organization about their roles and responsibilities through training program and similar initiatives. It is advisable to conduct such trainings at least twice in a year. Why POSH Training? Firstly, it is legally mandatory to conduct POSH training. The organization can attract heavy penalties like a fine of INR 50000 for first time offence and cancellation of business license for repeated offence if the law is not followed. In addition, just having a law does not help. Many a times, women question whether a particular b